Innovation Economics and Management Research (IEMR)


Study on the Application of the People's Court in Examining and Judging the Oral Confessions of Criminal Defendants

Yi Zhao

Corresponding Author

Yi Zhao

Publishing Date

28 Feb. 2023


Oral confession examination, Evidential power, Oral confession evidence, System perfection.


In recent years, many reports of the redress of unjust cases in China have made the public doubt the credibility of justice. Almost all false and wrong cases have a common feature. There is a mistake in the judgment of the authenticity of the defendant's oral confessions. Behind this problem, the problem of extorting a confession by torture in the judicial process, the judgment of the credibility of the oral confessions and the question of the judge's acceptance of the oral confession evidence are exposed. The following will start from the concept of oral confession and combine several practical cases to comprehensively review and judge the oral confession system in China. This article attempts to put forward opinions and suggestions on the review and judgment of the current oral confession system in China by sorting out the concept of oral confession and combining with the current actual jurisprudence in China.


© 2023, the Authors. Published by ISCCAC

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