Innovation Economics and Management Research (IEMR)


Exploration of Data Structure Teaching Mode Based on OBE Against the Background of New Engineering

Xiaofei Sun, Wenwen Pan, Zhenzhen Wang, Bin Yang, Lei Wu,Jie Huang, Zeng Li

Corresponding Author

Wenwen Pan

Publishing Date

28 Feb. 2023


OBE, Data structure, Teaching mode, New engineering.


Output-oriented teaching is a new teaching concept advocated by colleges and universities today, which meets the requirements of new engineering teaching. The data structure course is a core computer professional course, which is very important for cultivating students' quality according to the new engineering teaching requirements. Therefore, the main content of this study is to construct a perfect data structure teaching model according to the OBE concept. This paper uses teaching output to guide the construction of teaching process and the cultivation of application-oriented talents, and analyzes and explores new teaching models from the construction of curriculum content, curriculum assessment, teaching methods and other aspects.


© 2023, the Authors. Published by ISCCAC

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