Innovation Economics and Management Research (IEMR)


The Labor Rights and Interests Security of Workers Under the New Forms of Employment Taking Labor Relations of Takeaway Deliverers as an Example

Yan Cao, Yifan Liu, Jiangning Luo, Haoyu Wang

Corresponding Author

Yan Cao

Publishing Date

28 Feb. 2023


New employment form, Platform economy, Takeaway deliverer, Labor rights and interests.


Along with the development of scientific and technical revolution, various online employment platforms rely on the Internet economy to integrate resources and provide Internet services, while offering employment positions. In this way, an employment form that distinguishes itself from traditional labor relations, i.e., a new employment form, has emerged. As a typical group under the new pattern of online employment, the labor rights and interests of takeaway deliverers are not protected by relevant legal policies because such group's labor-capital relationship doesn't belong to the labor relation in the traditional sense. Starting from the perspective of labor relations, this paper sorts out the changes in the development of the takeaway deliverer industry and discusses the transformation of labor relations and existing problems of the takeaway deliverer group.


© 2023, the Authors. Published by ISCCAC

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