Innovation Economics and Management Research (IEMR)


Identification and Shaping Personality Characteristics of Nanchang City Brand

Zhenghui Wang, Jianhai Ding, Sheng Liu

Corresponding Author

Zhenghui Wang

Publishing Date

28 Feb. 2023


Nanchang, City brand, Personality characteristics.


This paper has employed web-based data collection techniques, with as the platform for review data collection, and taken famous attractions in Nanchang as the collection objects, such as Tengwang Pavilion, Nanchang Star Ferris Wheel, Historic Site Museum of Marquis Haihun State, Nanchang Ronchuang Sea World, and Rongchuang Paradise, obtaining 10,078 data as to brand reviews on Nanchang city. Through the analysis and research of the review data, it is found that the Nanchang city brand is typical with its personality characteristics as “Elegant, Simplicity and Integrity, Picturesque and Magnificent”. Based on the analysis, suggestions are proposed for shaping the personality characteristics of the Nanchang city brand to better enhance its popularity and reputation of Nanchang city brand.


© 2023, the Authors. Published by ISCCAC

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