Innovation Economics and Management Research (IEMR)


Enlightenment and Suggestions of Tianjin Private Equity Fund Case on the Development of Yantai Fund Financial Agglomeration

Huiqian Yu

Corresponding Author

Huiqian Yu

Publishing Date

28 Feb. 2023


Tianjin Private Equity Fund Case, Yantai, Fund supervision, Financial agglomeration.


Tianjin, as China's financial reform experimental zone, has accumulated experience and practices in the development of private equity funds, which has implications for the development of Yantai's financial agglomeration. The Tianjin Private Equity Fund Case revealed that the fund companies are good at manipulating human weaknesses, some government officials are not aware of the bottom line and rules, investors blindly pursue private placement funds, and there are loopholes in legal regulations and supervision. Yantai should strengthen fund supervision in the development of fund finance agglomeration, strengthen the employees' awareness of bottom line, responsibility and rules, pay attention to attracting excellent talents to join fund management posts, strengthen investor education services and enhance investors' awareness of financial fraud.


© 2023, the Authors. Published by ISCCAC

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