Innovation Humanities and Social Sciences Research (IHSSR)


The Necessity and Strategies of Cultural Introduction in College English Teaching Against the Background of "One Belt and One Road"

Wan Zhou

Corresponding Author

Wan Zhou

Publishing Date

29 May 2023


"One Belt and One Road", College English teaching, Cultural introduction.


Under the trend of globalization, "One Belt and One Road" Initiative requires cooperation with more than 60 countries along the routes. Although these countries have very different cultural backgrounds, English, as the first language of international communication, is a bridge to realize globalization. Cultural communication is the link of the age of diversity. The final aim of English teaching is to cultivate versatile skills with excellent language competence, cross-cultural communication ability, Chinese feelings and international vision. At present, college English is still dominated by traditional teaching such as grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. The phenomenon of "lack of Chinese and Western culture" is very serious. This paper analyzes the necessity of the introduction of Chinese and Western culture based on the grand plan of "One Belt and One Road" and the current situation of college English teaching. At the same time, from the perspective of stage principle and relevance principle, the traditional teaching method and the new era wisdom teaching mode are combined to explore its strategies.


© 2023, the Authors. Published by ISCCAC

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