Innovation Economics and Management Research (IEMR)


Cultural Typology of Disparity and Job Performance The Moderate Role of Relative Position of Leader-Member Exchange

Chang Liu

Corresponding Author

Chang Liu

Publishing Date

31 Oct. 2022


Cultural disparity, Job performance, Moderation, LMXRP.


This study concentrates on an investigation on how the variable of relative position of the quality of Leader-member Exchange (LMXRP) moderates the relationship between cultural typology of disparity and job performance in the cross-cultural work settings. The author predicts that LMXRP will be related to the relationship between the extent of cultural disparity of power distance and job performance. The empirical study conducted in the multinational companies located in China showed that the members with high LMXRP gained the advantage given by the leader who had concentrated power and convinced the LMXRP members to achieve superior performance in high disparity groups. A low power distance model did not involve the contingency of LMXRP because establishing a special relationship with the high LMXRP members and assigning power to them did not make sense when the group leader had same amount of power with each group member. 


© 2022, the Authors. Published by ISCCAC

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