Qing Li
Qing Li
28 December 2023
Modern lacquer painting, Decoration, Art language, Manifestation, Diversification.
In the current context of diversified aesthetic appreciation in painting, various cultural forms have had a great impact on the development of modern Chinese lacquer painting, and the forms of artistic language have also shown diversification. However, it cannot be denied that with the development of the times and the impact of various artistic concepts, the expression of decorative language in modern lacquer painting is becoming weaker and weaker. This article starts with lacquer painting becoming an independent art form, takes the development status of modern Chinese lacquer painting and modern lacquer painting theory as the basis, helps people understand that the development of modern lacquer painting is a diversified expression through the form of decorative language in modern lacquer painting, and deeply explores the artistic direction of modern Chinese lacquer painting.
© 2023, the Authors. Published by ISCCAC
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