[Volume 4]The 3rd International Conference on Education: Current Issues and Digital Technologies (ICECIDT 2023)
The 3rd International Conference on Education: Current Issues and Digital Technologies (ICECIDT 2023) was held online on April 12-13, 2023.
[Volume 3]The 9th International Conference on Education, Language, Art and Inter-cultural Communication (ICELAIC 2022-2)
The 9th International Conference on Education, Language, Art and Inter-cultural Communication (ICELAIC 2022) was held online from 19 to 20 December 2022.
[Volume 2]The 2nd International Conference on Art and Design: Inheritance and Innovation (ADII 2022)
The 2nd International Conference on Art and Design: Inheritance and Innovation (ADII 2022) is an annual event which is scheduled to be hosted from Dec. 22, 2022 to Dec. 23, 2022.
[Volume 1]The 2nd Conference on Education, Language and Inter-cultural Communication (ELIC 2022)
International Science and Culture Center for Academic Contacts (ISCCAC) is pleased to announce The 2nd Conference on Education, Language and Inter-cultural Communication (ELIC 2022) .