Changyong Zou
Changyong Zou
31 October 2023
Social media translation, Communication, Youth subculture, Mild resistance, Carnival spirit, Self-empowerment.
Social media provides a platform for Chinese grassroots translators to show off their skills and express themselves, and also gives rise to translation communication on social media, a unique information transmission on the internet. “Translation communication” refers to “an emerging cross-cultural communication phenomenon that takes the internet as the platform, translation as the means, foreign language materials as the source text, translation as the target text, and online publication as the form” (Gongwen, 2012:22). As the fusion between popular culture and online translation practices, “translation communication” is widespread on various social media. It has such youth subcultural characteristics as mild resistance, carnival spirit, self-empowerment and post-modern aesthetics. As for social media translation communication, further observation should be made about its fragmented and widespread mode of communication. At the same while, new subcultural cyberspaces can be constructed with the mixture of grass root user-translators’ creativity and the practice of social media translation communication.
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